A basic education is an evolving program of instruction that is intended to provide students with the opportunity to become responsible and respectful global citizens, to contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and communities, to explore and understand different perspectives, and to enjoy productive and satisfying lives. With the involvement of parent and community members, the goal of the district is to provide opportunities for every student to develop the knowledge and skills essential to:

A. Read with comprehension, write effectively, and communicate successfully in a variety of ways and settings and with a variety of audiences;

B. Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics; social, physical, and life sciences; civics and history, including different cultures and participation in representative government; geography; arts; and health and fitness;

C. Think analytically, logically, and creatively, and to integrate technology literacy and fluency as well as different experiences and knowledge to form reasoned judgments and solve problems; and

D. Understand the importance of work and finance and how performance, effort, and decisions directly affect future career and educational opportunities. These goals will be placed within a context of a performance-based educational system in which high standards are set for all students. Parents are primary partners in the education of their children, and students take responsibility for their learning. How instruction is provided to meet these learning goals is the decision of the school board and district educators. An assessment system for determining if students have successfully learned the essential academic learning requirements based on the student learning goals will be adopted by the district, as required by state law.

Legal References: RCW 28A.150.210 Basic education— Goals of school districts RCW 28A.655.010 Washington commission on Student Learning Definitions

Management Resources: Policy News, October 2007 Basic Education Act Revisions

Adoption Date: 4/26/18 Raymond School District #116


Accountability Goals

Adopting Performance Improvement Goals

Annually, the board will do the following:

1. Adopt district-wide performance improvement goals for the measures included in the Washington school improvement framework.

2. Direct each school in the district that enrolls students in grades three through eight and/or high school to establish goals to increase the measures included in the Washington school improvement framework consistent with state and district goals.

The district and each school in the district will establish English language arts and mathematics improvement goals using the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (the “ESEA”) to determine the increase in requirements described above for all students and for each of the groups required by the ESEA.

The district and each school will establish annual performance improvement goals in accordance with the following:

1. As a starting point for determining annual performance improvement goals, the district and each school will use the most recently available results of the school improvement framework.

2. The performance improvement goals for assessments administered in the spring of 2027 must be consistent with the goals outlined in the state consolidated plan. At a minimum, the district and each school must adopt the following goals:

3. Ninety percent of students eligible to be assessed will meet standard on the required state assessments.

4. The graduation rate for all students and each of the groups required by the ESEA will not be less than ninety percent.

5. Performance improvement goals using the requirements of the ESEA to determine the increase in the percentage of students making progress toward English language proficiency included in the Washington school improvement framework. [The language in 2.c. is only necessary if the district administers the English language proficiency assessment described in the Washington accountability plan approved by the U.S. Department of Education.]

6. The district and each school must establish goals for each of the Washington school improvement framework indicators for all students and for each of the groups required by the ESEA.

Reporting Progress

Annually, the board will report the following information at a public meeting and in writing:

1. The district’s performance improvement goals; 2. Student performance relative to the goals; and 3. District and building plans to achieve the goals, including curriculum and instruction, parent and guardian involvement, and resources available to parents and guardians to assist students in meeting the state standards.

Annually, the district will report the district’s progress toward meeting the district and building goals in a news release to local media.

In each school’s annual performance report, the district will include school-level goals, student performance relative to the goals, and a summary of school-level plans to achieve the goals.

Cross References: 4000 – Public Information Program

Legal References: RCW 28A.655.100 Performance goals – Reporting requirements RCW 28A.655.110 Annual school performance report—Model report form WAC 180-105-020 Performance improvement goals WAC 180-105-040 Definitions WAC 180-105-060 Establishing goals

Management Resources: 2020 – May Issue 2010 – June Issue Policy News, December 2005 Requirements Revised Policy News, October 2003 A+ Commission’s Revised Performance Improvement Goals Policy News, June 1999 Accountability Bill Includes Policy Implication Policy News, August 1998 CORRECTION: Reading goals policy Policy News, June 1998 Boards must set reading goals

Adoption Date: 7/23/20 Classification: Essential Revised Dates: 06.99; 12.01; 10.03; 12.05; 12.08; 06.10; 12.11; 05.20


Each school shall develop and adopt a school improvement plan or process, with annual review for progress and necessary changes. Each school shall submit its plan to the board of directors by June 30th of each year for initial approval and annual review and approval.

Each school improvement plan or process shall be data driven and shall promote a positive impact on student learning. A positive impact on student learning means promoting the continuous achievement of the state learning goals and essential academic learning requirements, and the achievement of nonacademic growth in areas like public speaking, leadership, interpersonal relationship skills, team work, self-confidence and resiliency, so that students can meet the goals of Washington’s basic education system: to become responsible citizens, to contribute to their own economic well-being and that of their families and communities, and to enjoy productive and satisfying lives.

Each school improvement plan or process shall be based on a building self-review that includes the active participation and input of building staff, students, parents, and community members.

Each school improvement plan or process shall address the following elements:

Characteristics of effective schools as identified by the office of the superintendent of public instruction and the educational service district (a plan may focus on one or several of the characteristics for up to three years);

1. Safe and supportive learning environments; 2. Educational equity factors including gender, race, ethnicity, culture, language and physical and mental abilities. 3. Use of technology; 4. Parent and community involvement; and 5. Other factors identified by the school community for inclusion in the plan or process. Any school participation in a program of school improvement assistance through the state accountability system or the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act shall constitute sufficient compliance with this policy.

Legal References: WAC 180-16-220 Supplemental basic education program approval requirements

Adoption Date: 12/17/02 Raymond School District #116


Learning Improvement Teams

Student learning is at the core of the school district’s mission. Since students’ learning needs vary and learning is most successful in a highly supportive environment in which teachers, students, parents and others work closely and harmoniously together, it is essential to focus attention on plans for improving student learning at each school. In developing and implementing those plans school staff must work closely with parents, community members and, where appropriate, students.

Learning Improvement Team Responsibility

A Learning Improvement Team (LIT) shall be established and maintained at each school building in the district. The charge of each team is to develop a plan for its school by specifying the activities, necessary human and material resources and budget that will improve student learning in the school. Each team is also charged with adopting bylaws, subject to board approval, for its operation. The teams shall operate within the district’s policies, unless waived by the board; budget parameters established by the board, the requirements of contracts to which the district is a party and all other legal constraints. The teams’ activities, decisions and recommendations shall be consistent with the district’s strategic plan and shall contribute to achieving district goals.

Once a school’s learning improvement plan has been approved by the board, the team shall meet at regular intervals to review progress toward the plan’s goals, to develop actions and strategies which may contribute to the plan’s success, and annually to evaluate and report to the board on the progress of the student learning improvement plan.

Learning Improvement Plan Approval

The learning improvement plan developed by each team shall be reviewed, seconded and approved by the building principal before being submitted to the school board. If the principal does not approve the plan, he or she shall work with the LIT until consensus is achieved. The board shall conduct a public hearing on the plan and may refer a plan back to a Learning Improvement Team with recommendations for change. When approved by the board the plan shall be submitted to the superintendent of public instruction as part of the district’s application for student learning improvement grants.

Learning Improvement Team Operations

Each Learning Improvement Team shall develop its own bylaws to govern its operations. The bylaws shall be submitted to the board for review and approval. As a minimum the bylaws shall:

1) identify the membership of the team and, as a minimum, include the principal, non-administrative certificated staff, classified staff, parents, members of the community served by the school, and students (in middle and high schools); provided that, members of any one of the foregoing groups shall not constitute a majority of the team;

2) assure that the school’s diversity is adequately reflected on the team with particular reference to ethnic minorities, disabled students, exceptionally talented students, and (in high school) non-college bound students;

3) provide that, whenever practicable, team members shall be elected by the group they represent. In the absence of an election an open process for application and appointment by the board shall be established;

4) emphasize decision by consensus in order to encourage the development of decisions which have the support of most of the school community. Voted decisions shall be acceptable, but the decision-making practices of a team shall be one factor in the team’s annual evaluation;

5) provide for annual self-evaluation of the work of the team as part of its report to the board; and

6) identify the communication responsibilities of the team and its members for the purpose of keeping informed all people with an interest in the work of the school.

The superintendent shall establish the interim procedures for identifying the members of the initial Learning Improvement Teams. Such procedures shall be consistent with the above criteria and effective until the bylaws are developed and approved.

Learning Improvement Team Training

The learning improvement plan shall be amended annually to identify training activities for both staff and team members. Training for team members shall provide for understanding the role of the team, for developing the skills to be effective on the team, and for understanding the various educational issues which affect student learning.

Learning Improvement Team Accountability

The superintendent, in collaboration with the Learning Improvement Teams, shall develop evaluation instruments and procedures for the teams which include the following criteria:

• What are the specific results from the student learning improvement plan and other team activities?

• Is there evidence of improved student performance, improved school climate, or improved support for the school among parents, students and the community?

• Has the team operated within its delegated authority by focusing on plans and strategies to improve learning? Has the team avoided micro-management?

• Has the team effectively used consensus decision making? • Is there trust among team members, within the school and with the district?

• Does the team act in the best interest of all students? • Are team decisions objectively reached?

• Do the team’s decisions reflect consideration of the need for consistency and compatibility among schools in the district? When considering its options does the team take into account general community reaction and satisfaction?

Annually each team shall assess its own performance and include its conclusions in its report to the board.

Since the Learning Improvement Teams are the agents of the school board, the board remains liable for their actions which are reasonably within the authority granted to them. Therefore, the board reserves the right to review the work of a team at any time.


The learning improvement plan shall identify specific communications activities that will keep the general community informed about efforts to improve learning as well as keep specific audiences, such as parents, students, and staff, informed about the work of the teams. The communications responsibilities of members of the LIT shall be identified in the team’s bylaws.


The annual reports from the Learning Improvement Teams shall be considered by the board in conjunction with its annual review of the district’s strategic plan. The superintendent shall develop procedures or guidelines to implement the provisions of this policy and assist both the board and the teams by making any recommendations which will enhance the success of the teams and achieve the district’s goals. The principals shall be both members of their respective teams and technical advisers to their teams and shall assist the superintendent in achieving the purposes of this policy

Cross References: Board Policy 0510 Vision Statements Board Policy 0520 Beliefs Board Policy 0530 Mission Board Policy 0550 Goals, Target Objectives and Strategies Board Policy 0560 Strategic Action Plans Board Policy 0700 Strategic Plan Evaluation Board Policy 5021 Applicability of Personnel Policies

Legal References: RCW 28A.150.210 Basic Education Act–Goals RCW 28A.300.130 Educational improvements and research–Center for the improvement of student learning–Clearinghouse for commission on student learning and for information regarding education restructuring and parental involvement programs Chapter 28A.655 RCW Academic Achievement and Accountability RCW 28A.300.138 Student Learning Improvement RCW 70.190.040 Finding–Grants to improve readiness to learn Ch. 180-18 WAC Waivers for restructuring purposes WAC 392-140-800 to 836 Local Enhancement Funds

Adoption Date: 10/16/00 Raymond School District #116


The board recognizes its responsibility for the improvement and growth of the educational program of the schools. To this end, the course designs shall be evaluated, adapted and developed on a continuing basis.

Instructional materials shall be selected to ensure alignment with state learning standards and enable all students to master foundational skills and knowledge to achieve college and career readiness.


For the purpose of policy and procedure 2020, the following definitions will apply:

Course Design is the process that includes identifying and sequencing essential content supporting students’ skill development towards state learning standards. Course design involves providing appropriate instructional materials, professional development, and support systems for teachers as they implement the course.

Instructional Materials are all materials designed for use by students and their teachers as learning resources to help students to acquire facts, skills, and/or to develop cognitive processes. These instructional materials, used to help students meet state learning standards, may be printed or digital, and may include textbooks, technology-based materials, other educational media, and assessments. They may carry different licensing types from open to all rights reserved. For the purposes of this policy, there are five categories of instructional materials:

Core Instructional Materials are the primary instructional resources for a given course. They are district-approved and provided to all students to help meet learning standards and provide instruction towards course requirements.

Alternative Core Materials are the primary instructional materials for a given course that are used with a subset of students. These materials are intended to replace approved core materials and may be used for specialized course offerings or flexible learning environments.

Intervention Materials are designed to support strategic or intensive intervention for students who are at risk of not meeting established learning standards. Intervention materials are used with students to accelerate progress toward particular learning goals based on systematic assessment, decision-making, and progress monitoring.

Supplemental Materials are used in conjunction with the core instructional materials of a course. These items extend and support instruction. They include, but are not limited to, books, periodicals, visual aids, video, sound recordings, computer software and other digital content.

Temporary Supplemental Materials are those items used in conjunction with the core instructional materials of a course that are of interest or value for a short period of time and are chosen within district established guidelines. They are not intended to supplant the adopted curriculum nor be used on a regular instructional basis. Examples might include timely articles from relevant, reliable sources, websites, or news broadcasts. The use of temporary supplemental materials for time periods of over one year requires consideration of the material as either part of the core instructional material for a course or supplemental material for the course depending on the nature and scope of the material.

Instructional Materials Committee is the body that makes core instructional materials adoption recommendations to the School Board based on superintendent-established procedures.

Course Design

The superintendent or designee will establish procedures for course design that:

• Provide for the regular review of selected content areas and implementation of any suggested changes.

• Provide for involvement of community representatives and staff members at appropriate times.

Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

The primary objective in selecting instructional materials is to implement, enrich and support the educational program of the schools. All instructional materials will be selected in conformance with:

A. Applicable state and federal laws;

B. Goals and/or learning standards of the district and state; and

C. Procedures established by the instructional materials committee which address the criteria detailed in the corresponding procedure 2020P.

The board is responsible for the adoption of all core materials used in the district.

The superintendent, or designee, will establish procedures for core material, alternate core, and intervention material selection and adoption using criteria around evidence-based practices.

The superintendent will ensure that a listing of all core instructional materials used within the school curriculum is maintained in the district and is available for public review either in-person or online.

The intent of the board is that the superintendent delegate responsibility for examining, evaluating, and selecting all supplemental and temporary supplemental materials to the professional staff of the district. This includes preparing all student reading lists. Staff will rely on reason and professional judgment in the selection of high quality supplemental materials that align to state learning standards and are appropriate for the instructional program and developmental level and interests of their students.

Cross References: 2027 – District Ownership of Staff-Created Work

Legal References: RCW 28A.150.230 District school directors’ responsibilities RCW 28A.320.230 Instructional materials — Instructional materials committee RCW 28A.320.170 Tribal history and culture[as amended by SSB 5433] RCW 28A.405.060 Course of study and regulations —Enforcement — Withholding salary warrant for failure Chapter 28A.640 RCW Sexual Equality WAC 180-44-010 Responsibilities related to instruction WAC 392-190-055 Textbooks and instructional materials — Scope — Elimination of bias

Management Resources: 2015 – December Issue

Adoption Date: 02/25/16 Raymond School District #116


For the purposes of this procedure, the definitions from Policy 2020 will apply.

District course design and core instructional materials should be regularly reviewed to ensure their ongoing alignment with state law, teaching and learning standards, and research-based best practices. All students will receive high quality core instruction and, as appropriate, strategic and intensive intervention supports matched to student needs.

Course Design

Existing Courses

The superintendent or designee will establish a regular cycle of course design review and development that includes examination by review committees composed of district subject area coordinators and, as appropriate, external content area experts. This review cycle should be based on student need, changing demographics and funding. The cycle should cover each content area to ensure current course relevance. The course design process should review:

A. Relevance, rigor, and alignment to state learning standards;

B. Efficacy of core, alternative core, and intervention instructional materials that support student learning; and

C. Processes and resources used to assess student progress and address teacher professional learning.

Recommendations of this review may lead to:

D. Affirmation of continued use of current processes and instructional materials;

E. Establishment of a timeline for completion of recommended tasks;

F. Creation and assignment of tasks to subcommittees as required to select, write, or revise the course design;

G. Recommendation of new instructional materials selection to the Instructional Materials Committee;

H. Design of course implementation and staff development plans;

I. Identification of projected budget needs in accordance with established timelines; and/or

J. Maintained communications with impacted stakeholders. Social studies curriculum review or adoption

In compliance with RCW 28A.320.170, when the board adopts or reviews the district’s social studies curriculum, it will incorporate history, culture and government of the nearest federally recognized

Indian tribe or tribes utilizing curriculum available on the OSPI website. The district may modify the OSPI curriculum to incorporate elements that have a regionally specific focus or may incorporate the curriculum into existing instructional materials.

During regularly scheduled reviews and revisions of their social studies and history curriculum thereafter, the district will collaborate with any federally recognized Indian tribe within its boundaries and with neighboring Indian tribes to expand and improve instructional materials about Indian tribes and to create programs of classroom and community cultural exchange.

The district will collaborate with the office of the superintendent of public instruction on curricular areas regarding tribal government and history that are statewide in nature.

New Courses or Major Modifications to Existing Courses

New course offerings or major course modifications that propose significant changes to course objectives or scope will be reviewed by the superintendent or designee prior to being scheduled to ensure that the course is rigorous, utilizes appropriate instructional materials, and is a carefully considered part of the school’s college and career pathways.

When the implementation of new or modified courses requires the adoption of new instructional resources, those resource recommendations will be forwarded to the Instructional Materials Committee for consideration by the process outlined below.

Instructional Material Type

Certificated Teaching Staff Role

Principal’s Role

Core Material


Alternative Core






Designate selector

Temporary Supplemental

select within district guidelines

Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

For the purposes of this procedure, instructional materials used in the school district will be classified as core, alternative core, intervention, supplemental, and temporary supplemental and shall be selected according to the procedures that follow. The principal is responsible for ensuring the continuing familiarity of his/her certificated staff with the requirement of this policy and procedure. The district office will provide such technical assistance as may be necessary to accomplish this.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

Instructional Material Delivery Formats

Instructional materials may be delivered in many formats, and may include textbooks, technology-based materials, or other educational media.

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. A wide variety of free, high quality instructional content is available from supplemental to core instructional materials. District staff are encouraged to consider OER when selecting instructional materials.

OER are subject to the same selection and adoption procedures as other instructional materials outlined in this document.

Technology-based Resources

When instructional materials are technology based, district educational technology staff should be consulted regarding the technological impacts of the suggested program. Equity of access for students and teachers must be considered for all core materials delivered in digital formats.

Core Instructional Material Selection

Instructional Materials Committee

The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) is formed to establish and monitor such procedures as may be necessary for the evaluation and recommendation of core materials used by the district in conformance to stated criteria. The committee will act upon requests for core material approval and will evaluate and act upon citizens’ requests for reconsideration of core materials.

Committee meetings will be held on a schedule determined by the district. Special meetings may be called by the committee chairman if necessary. The committee secretary will provide department heads, principals, and program developers with copies of the committee meeting schedule.

The committee will consist of: staff and community

members. Instructional Materials Committees may include parents, but state law provides that parents must make up less than one-half the committee.

Members will be appointed by the superintendent or designee through the district’s committee process. Membership must be approved by the Board of Directors. The chairman and the secretary will be permanent members of the committee. Other members will have three-year terms.

Temporary appointments of one year or less may be made to fill vacancies.

Criteria for Selection of Core Instructional Materials

Core instructional materials shall be selected based upon the degree to which they:

A. Demonstrate likelihood of impact as shown by scientific or evidence based research;

B. Enable implementation of the district’s developed curriculum and meet state standards and College Readiness requirements;

C. Provide sufficient flexibility to meet the varied needs and abilities of the students served;

D. Provide clear and appropriate differentiation components for English Language Learners, special education students, students with academic opportunity gaps, and highly capable students;

E. Where appropriate, present balanced but differing views of issues, controversial or otherwise, in order that students may develop critical analysis and informed decision-making skills;

F. Demonstrate consideration of appropriate format(s) (including technological, visual, and/or auditory components);

G. Support an equitable access to learning and learning materials for all students; including the provision of appropriate, high-quality accessible instructional materials to all students with disabilities who require them; and

H. Are free of stereotyping and gender, race, class, and other forms of bias, recognizing that under certain circumstances biased materials may serve as appropriate resources to present contrasting and differing points of view, and biased materials may be employed in order to teach students about bias, stereotyping, and propaganda in historical or contemporary contexts. The Washington Models for the Evaluation of Bias Content in Instructional Materials, published by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) should be consulted in the selection process to further to the goal of eliminating content bias: https://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/


Identification of Core Instructional Materials

Core materials shall be initially selected by such certificated staff as the superintendent or designee may assign. Materials must meet the Criteria for the Selection of Core Materials above.

Recommendation of Core Instructional Materials

The IMC will receive recommended district material proposals through superintendent-assigned staff. Core material will be reviewed according to superintendent-established procedures to ensure compliance with the above selection criteria and by using instructional material evaluation

tools listed on the OSPI website: https://www.k12.wa.us/ CurriculumInstruct/InstructionalMaterialsReview.aspx

Based on their evaluation, the IMC will recommend instructional materials to the board for adoption.

Adoption of Core Instructional Materials

Core material will be approved by the board prior to their use in classrooms. Texts selected previously are exempt from this requirement.

Regularly Scheduled Core Material Updates

Any courses using OER as their core material shall annually convene a representative group of district teachers of the course to revise and improve the core material. Adaptations shall be based on teacher and student suggestions and data from state or district assessments identifying areas of lower student performance. Revised versions of the core material will be implemented for the following school year.

If the adaptations to the core material results in significant changes to course objectives or scope, the revised resource shall be forwarded to the Instructional Materials Committee for consideration and, formal recommendation for board adoption.

Exceptional Needs or Rapidly Changing Circumstances

The superintendent or designee may authorize the acquisition of alternative core instructional materials to meet exceptional needs or rapidly changing circumstances. However, expanded use of core instructional materials selected for exceptional needs will require adoption through the formal process.

College in the High School, Advanced Placement (AP), and/or International Baccalaureate (IB)

College in the High School, AP, and/or IB courses may have varying course designs as necessitated by their course credit transfer requirements.

Field Testing

The superintendent or designee may consider the use of field testing as part of the adoption process. Field testing can provide a flexible opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of curricular approaches, instructional materials, and/or assessment resources through careful experimentation for an identified purpose based on student needs.

Trial-use core instructional material of an experimental, field-test nature may be authorized for use by the superintendent for a period of no more than one school year prior to adoption through the formal process.

Citizen Access to View Core Materials

Members of the community are invited to review any core instructional materials in current or proposed use. Such review may be accomplished at the school, in the district office, or online. The review and examination process should be arranged in a way to avoid disrupting the educational program. The review of core materials should be undertaken with the knowledge of district objectives in mind.

Intervention Instructional Material Selection

Instructional materials designed to support strategic or intensive intervention for students who are at risk of not meeting established learning standards will be approved by the superintendent or designee based upon evidence from reputable sources (e.g., National Center on Response to Intervention, Johns Hopkins Best Evidence Encyclopedia).

Alternative Core Instructional Material Selection

The superintendent, or designee, will establish procedures through which schools may be approved to use alternative core materials for specialized course offerings or flexible learning environments. In many cases, the superintendent may decide that selection of these alternative core materials be made by certificated staff designated by the building principal.

Supplemental Material Selection

Supplemental materials will not require IMC approval or board adoption.

The superintendent shall delegate responsibility for examining, evaluating, and selecting all supplemental and temporary supplemental materials to the principal or professional staff of the district. This includes preparing all student reading lists using state standards-aligned resources/repositories. Staff will rely on reason and professional judgment in the selection of high quality supplemental materials that align to state learning standards and are appropriate for the instructional program and developmental level and interests of their students. While supplemental materials do not require item-by-item approval of the IMC, staff are expected to thoroughly preview such materials and to give due consideration to the text complexity, developmental level of students; appropriateness of language or images; bias against racial, gender, ethnic, or other social groups; and other sensitive issues.

Temporary Supplemental Material Selection

Professional staff of the district will rely on reason and professional judgment in the selection of high quality temporary supplemental

materials that are appropriate for the instructional program and developmental level and interests of their students.

Protest Procedure for Instructional Materials

When a parent/guardian or employee challenges any instructional materials used or restricted from use in the schools, the following steps should be taken:

1. Concerns should first be discussed with the certificated teacher and/or the school principal. All parties are urged to resolve the concern at this level.

2. If the concerns cannot be resolved through discussion at the school level, the following steps will be taken and the challenged instructional material will continue to be used until a decision is rendered:

a. If the challenged instructional material is supplemental in nature, at a parent’s written request to the principal, the supplemental material may be asked to be withdrawn from their student. The principal shall facilitate a meeting of the complainant(s) and appropriate school staff. Following the meeting, the principal shall respond with a written decision. If warranted by the scope of the supplemental material, an appeal may be submitted to the superintendent or designee requesting review by the Instructional Materials Committee and a written decision.

b. If the instructional material is core, alternative core, or intervention material, the parent/guardian or employee may register a request for reconsideration with the Superintendent or designee. This request will be forwarded to the Instructional Materials Review committee. The IMC will review the complaint and establish a timely process for public consideration of the complaint, if appropriate.

All instructional material reconsideration decisions will be by majority vote of the IMC and are final. Decisions of the committee will be delivered in writing to the superintendent, complainant, and affected staff within ten (10) school business days.

Adoption Date: 02/25/16


Request initiated by:


Complainant represents Self/Organization

The material I object to is as follows:





Library Book



Is this material, to your knowledge, on a student reading list? Title



1. Are you aware of the district objective in using this material?

2. Are you familiar with the district policy regarding selection of instructional materials?

3. To what in the material(s) do you object? Please be specific, cite pages or sections:

4. What do you feel might be the result of reading, seeing or using this material?

5. For what age group would you recommend this material? 6. Is there anything of value in the material?

7. Did you read, hear, or see the entire content? If not, what parts?

8. Are you aware of the judgment of this material by literary or subject matter critics?

9. What do you believe is the theme of this material?

10. What would you like your school to do about these materials? Do not assign it to my child

Do not give it to my child

Withhold from all students

11. In its place, what material of equal quality would you recommend that would convey as valuable a picture and perspective?

Signature of Complainant


The purpose of the Raymond School District library information and technology programs is to support student mastery of the essential academic learning requirements and state standards in all subject areas.

The programs will provide a broad, flexible array of services, resources and instruction.

The Teacher-Librarian, through the library information and technology programs, will collaborate as an instructional partner and information specialist to help all students meet the content goals in all subject areas and to assist high school students in completing their culminating project and High School and Beyond Plans.

Additionally, the Teacher-Librarian’s duties may include, but are not limited to, integrating information and technology into curriculum and instruction; providing instruction to students and staff regarding use of emerging learning technology; providing instruction to students as to appropriate use of computers and mobile devices at school; helping teachers and staff access and use information ethically; instructing students in digital citizenship; promoting a culture of reading within the school community; and providing individual support and guidance for students.

The superintendent will establish procedures for the selection of materials with the understanding that media literacy resources will consist of a balance of sources and perspectives. Citizens who wish to express a concern about specific material included in the collection may do so according to the procedures outlined in Procedure 2021P, with the understanding that the criteria and rationale for reconsideration of library resources differs from the criteria and rationale for reconsideration of classroom/curricular instructional materials.

Cross References: 2020 – Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials 2020P – Procedure – Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

Legal References: RCW 28A.320.230 – Instructional Materials — Instructional materials committee RCW 28A.320.240 – School Library Media Programs — Stocking of libraries — Teacher – Librarians WAC 392-204-005, 009, 020, 025, 055 Library Media Centers: WAC 392-204-005 Purpose and authority WAC 392-204-009 Definitions WAC 392-204-020 School library media program WAC 392-204-025 Services WAC 392-204-055 Other sources

Management Resources: 2017 – July Issue 2015 – December Issue 2011 – April Issue Policy News, October 2007 Elimination of Outdated and Obsolete Policies Policy News, April 2005 State Board of Education Revises Library Media Rules

Adoption Date: 10/26/17 Raymond School District #116


A. Library Collection Development

This procedure guides Teacher-Librarians and informs the community about the process for selecting, acquiring, evaluating and maintaining library information and technology program materials. The objective of each program is to implement, support and enrich the educational program of the district.

To best meet the unique needs of each school, the district will strive to create a library collection based upon an assessment of student and staff needs. This will be accomplished by:

1. Providing resource materials, both curricular and personal for students and faculty;
2. Providing materials that meet the interest, vocabulary, maturity and ability levels of all students;
3. Providing a diversity of materials in the interest of achieving a balance of sources and perspectives;
4. Fostering reading as a lifelong activity through pleasurable exposure to printed and digital materials; and
5. Including materials in the collection because of their academic, literary and/or artistic value and merit.

B. Library Materials and Electronic Resources Library materials or digital services are those items accessible through the library information and technology program that provide support for an area of the curriculum, information for independent study, or resources for enrichment and recreational interest. Electronic resources include access to electronic documents, databases and websites.

C. Suggestions for Acquisition: Suggestions for acquisition or electronic resources may originate from students, parents, community members and teachers. Library information and technology staff will weigh requests, evaluate materials and select those which fulfill the needs of the instructional program. Teacher-Librarians in each school determine final selections.

D. Selection

1. Sources for the selection of materials include but are not limited to: a. Vendor catalogs, American Historical Fiction, Basic Book Collection for Elementary Grades, the Best in Children’s books, Children and Books, Children’s Catalog, Elementary School Library Collection, European Historical Fiction and Biography, Guide to Sources in Educational Media, Junior High School Catalog Reference Books For School Libraries, Subject Guide To Children’s Books in Print, Subject Index to Books for Intermediate Grades, Subject Index to Books for Primary Grades, and Westinghouse Learning Directory.
b. Current review journals:

• AASA Science Books and Films

• American Film & Video Association Evaluations

• Kirkus Reviews

• Media and Methods

• School Library Journal

• Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

• Horn Book



• Booklist

2. All items selected for placement in the school library will:
a. Support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the State of Washington and Raymond School District and the aims and objectives of individual schools and specific courses;
b. Support and be consistent with school library media and information literacy standards established by the American Association of School Librarians as well as content area standards established by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Washington; c. Meet high standards of quality in factual content and presentation;
d. Contain appropriate subject matter for the age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students for whom they are selected;
e. Serve the intended purpose, in both physical format and appearance for library materials;
f. Help students gain an awareness of our pluralistic society;
g. Motivate students and staff to examine their own duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as participating citizens in our society, and to make informed judgments in their daily lives;
h. Withstand scrutiny based on their strengths rather than be rejected for their weakness; and
i. Clarify historical and contemporary forces by presenting and analyzing intergroup tension and conflict objectively, placing emphasis on recognizing and understanding social and economic problems.

E. Gifts/Donations Materials donated to the school library will be accepted or declined in accordance with the criteria applied to the purchase of materials.

F. Collection Assessment De-selection (weeding) of outdated and damaged materials is a natural part of the library’s life cycle and maintenance of the quality and integrity of the collection. The Teacher Librarian will evaluate the library collection on a continuing basis in order to assure that the collection meets the mission statement and goals of the Raymond School District.

G. Considerations for De-selection

1. Currency – The subject matter is out of date or no longer relevant to the instructional program;
2. Physical Condition – Item is worn, soiled, missing pages, antiquated in appearance or unattractive;
3. Not circulating for a reasonable amount of time;
4. Superseded by newer editions;
5. Perpetuates cultural, ethnic, or sexual stereotypes;
6. Inappropriate reading level; or
7. Unneeded duplication of materials.

D. Request for Reconsideration of Library Media Materials When a concern is expressed about library resources, the Teacher-Librarian will consider both the citizen’s right to express an opinion and the principles of intellectual freedom.

1. Informal Reconsideration Persons wishing to make a complaint regarding library resources will be asked to direct their complaint to the Teacher-Librarian. The Teacher-Librarian will attempt to resolve the issue informally by:

a. Discussing the request with the complainant and listening carefully to the concerns expressed;
b. Explaining why the material was selected, and how its inclusion in the collection was guided by the district collection development policy/ procedure; and
c. Share review sources for the item in question; | d. If the informal process does not resolve the matter, the complainant may submit a formal request for reconsideration of Library resources.

Library materials in question will remain in the collection until the process is completed and a final decision is made.

2. Formal Reconsideration The building principal will be informed whenever a citizen asks for a Request for Reconsideration of Library/ Media Materials form. The Request for Reconsideration of Materials form, together with a copy of the challenged materials process will be furnished to the complainant by the principal. The formal process will follow the process required by Procedure 2020P for a written challenge, with the understanding that the criteria and rationale for reconsideration of library materials differs from classroom/district adopted materials. When reviewing a challenge to library materials the instructional review committee will:

a. Examine the Request for Reconsideration form;
b. Read and evaluate the book/material in question;
c. Study thoroughly all materials referred and read available reviews. The general acceptance of the materials should be checked by consulting standard evaluation aids and holdings in other schools;
d. Discuss the book/material in the context of the educational program and the audience for which it was selected;
e. Consider the entire work, rather than extracting passages or parts. Weighing the values and faults against each other and weighing the conflicting opinions based on the materials as a whole; and
f. Base the final decision upon the appropriateness of the material for its intended educational use.

The decision of the Instructional Materials Committee may be appealed by a concerned party to the Board of Directors, by submitting a written request to the office of the superintendent. The purpose of the Board of Director’s review will be to determine whether the committee applied the appropriate criteria and followed the proper process.

The superintendent will notify the concerned parties of the findings of the board’s review.

If the correct criteria and process were followed by the Instructional Materials Committee, the decision of the committee stands. If it is determined they were not followed, the Board of Directors will determine the outcome of the challenge.

The decision regarding challenged materials will not be subject to reconsideration for a minimum of three years, unless there is a substantive change of circumstances as determined by the superintendent.


The Raymond Board of Directors recognizes that an effective public education system develops students who are globally aware, civically engaged, and capable of managing their lives and careers. The board also believes that staff and students need to be proficient and safe users of information, media, and technology to succeed in a digital world.

Electronic Resources

The district will develop and use electronic resources as a powerful and compelling means for students to learn core subjects and applied skills in relevant and rigorous ways and for staff to educate them in such areas of need. It is the district’s goal to provide students with rich and ample opportunities to use technology for important purposes in schools just as individuals in workplaces and other real-life settings use these tools. The district’s technology will enable educators and students to communicate, learn, share, collaborate and create; to think and solve problems; to manage their work; and to take ownership of their lives.

The superintendent or designee will: 1) create strong electronic resources and develop related educational systems that support innovative teaching and learning; 2) provide appropriate staff development opportunities regarding this policy; and 3) develop procedures to support this policy. The superintendent or designee is authorized to develop procedures and acceptable use guidelines for staff and students as to use of district electronic resources, including those that access Internet and social media, and to regulate use of personal electronic resources on district property and related to district activities.

Internet Safety

To help ensure student safety and citizenship with electronic resources, all students will be educated about Internet safety. This will include appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

To promote Internet safety and appropriate online behavior of students and staff as they use electronic resources and access material from the Internet, the superintendent or designee is authorized to develop or adopt Internet safety procedures, acceptable use guidelines, and, for students, related instructional materials for every grade level. The superintendent or designee in evaluating such procedures and instructional materials should take into account District electronic resources, community norms, privacy rights, responsible use, and issues of concern with student or staff use of electronic resources.

As a component of district Internet safety measures, all district-owned electronic resources, including computer networks and Wi-Fi, in all district facilities capable of accessing the Internet must use filtering software to prevent access to obscene, racist, hateful or violent material. However, given the ever-changing nature of the Internet, the district cannot guarantee that a student will never be able to access objectionable material.

Further, when students use the Internet from school facilities for educational purposes, district staff will make a reasonable effort to supervise student access and use of the internet. If material is accessed that violates district policies, procedures or student guidelines for electronic resources or acceptable use, district staff may instruct the person to cease using that material and/or implement sanctions consistent with district policies, procedures, guidelines, or student codes of conduct.

Cross References: 5281 – Disciplinary Action and Discharge 4400 – Election Activities 4040 – Public Access to District Records 3241 – Classroom Management, Corrective Actions Or Punishment 3231 – Student Records 3207 – Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying 2025 – Copyright Compliance 2020 – Curriculum Development and Adoption of Instructional Materials

Legal References: 18 USC 2510-2522 Electronic Communication Privacy Act Pub. L. No. 110-385 Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act

Management Resources: 2015 – June Issue 2012 – October Issue 2012 – February Issue Policy News, June 2008 Electronic Resources Policy News, June 2001 Congress Requires Internet Blocking at School Policy News, August 1998 Permission required to review e-mail

Adoption Date: 08/25/15 Raymond School District #116


K-20 Network Acceptable Use Guidelines/Internet Safety Requirements

These procedures are written to support the Electronic Resources Policy of the board of directors and to promote positive and effective digital citizenship among students and staff. Digital citizenship represents more than technology literacy. Successful, technologically-fluent digital citizens live safely and civilly in an increasingly digital world. They recognize that information posted on the Internet is public and permanent and can have a long-term impact on an individual’s life and career. Expectations for student and staff behavior online are no different from face-to-face interactions.

Use of Personal Electronic Devices

In accordance with all district policies and procedures, students and staff may use personal electronic devices (e.g. laptops, mobile devices and e readers) to further the educational and research mission of the district. School staff will retain the final authority in deciding when and how students may use personal electronic devices on school grounds and during the school day.


The district network includes wired and wireless devices and peripheral equipment, files and storage, e-mail and Internet content (blogs, websites, collaboration software, social networking sites, wikis, etc.). The district reserves the right to prioritize the use of, and access to, the network.

All use of the network must support education and research and be consistent with the mission of the district.

Acceptable network use by district students and staff include:

A. Creation of files, digital projects, videos, web pages and podcasts using network resources in support of education and research;

B. Participation in blogs, wikis, bulletin boards, social networking sites and groups and the creation of content for podcasts, e-mail and webpages that support education and research;

C. With parental permission, the online publication of original educational material, curriculum related materials and student work. Sources outside the classroom or school must be cited appropriately;

D. Staff use of the network for incidental personal use in accordance with all district policies and procedures; or

E. Connection of personal electronic devices (wired or wireless) including portable devices with network capabilities to the district network after checking with (insert title of position, i.e., technology director, IT director, assistant superintendent) to confirm that the device is equipped with up-to-date virus software, compatible network card and is configured properly. Connection of any personal electronic device is subject to all procedures in this document.

Unacceptable network use by district students and staff includes but is not limited to:

A. Personal gain, commercial solicitation and compensation of any kind;

B. Actions that result in liability or cost incurred by the district;

C. Downloading, installing and use of games, audio files, video files, games or other applications (including shareware or freeware) without permission or approval from staff;

D. Support for or opposition to ballot measures, candidates and any other political activity;

E. Hacking, cracking, vandalizing, the introduction of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs and changes to hardware, software and monitoring tools;

F. Unauthorized access to other district computers, networks and information systems;

G. Cyberbullying, hate mail, defamation, harassment of any kind, discriminatory jokes and remarks;

H. Information posted, sent or stored online that could endanger others (e.g., bomb construction, drug manufacturing);

I. Accessing, uploading, downloading, storage and distribution of obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit material; or

J. Attaching unauthorized devices to the district network. Any such device will be confiscated and additional disciplinary action may be taken.

The district will not be responsible for any damages suffered by any user, including but not limited to, loss of data resulting from delays, non deliveries, mis-deliveries or service interruptions caused by his/her own negligence or any other errors or omissions. The district will not be responsible for unauthorized financial obligations resulting from the use of, or access to, the district’s computer network or the Internet.

Internet Safety Personal Information and Inappropriate Content:

A. Students and staff should not reveal personal information, including a home address and phone number on web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, social networking sites, wikis, e-mail or as content on any other electronic medium;

B. Students and staff should not reveal personal information about another individual on any electronic medium without first obtaining permission;

C. No student pictures or names can be published on any public class, school or district website unless the appropriate permission has been obtained according to district policy; and

D. If students encounter dangerous or inappropriate information or messages, they should notify the appropriate school authority.

Filtering and Monitoring

Filtering software is used to block or filter access to visual depictions that are obscene and all child pornography in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Other objectionable material could be filtered. The determination of what constitutes “other objectionable” material is a local decision.

A. Filtering software is not 100 percent effective. While filters make it more difficult for objectionable material to be received or accessed, filters are not a solution in themselves. Every user must take responsibility for his/her use of the network and Internet and avoid objectionable sites;

B. Any attempts to defeat or bypass the district’s Internet filter or conceal Internet activity are prohibited (e.g., proxies, https, special ports, modifications to district browser settings and any other techniques designed to evade filtering or enable the publication of inappropriate content);

C. E-mail inconsistent with the educational and research mission of the district will be considered SPAM and blocked from entering district e mail boxes;

D. The district will provide appropriate adult supervision of Internet use. The first line of defense in controlling access by minors to inappropriate material on the Internet is deliberate and consistent monitoring of student access to district devices;

E. Staff members who supervise students, control electronic equipment or have occasion to observe student use of said equipment online, must make a reasonable effort to monitor the use of this equipment to assure that student use conforms to the mission and goals of the district; and

F. Staff must make a reasonable effort to become familiar with the Internet and to monitor, instruct and assist effectively.

G. The district will provide a procedure for students and staff members to anonymously request access to Internet websites blocked by the district’s filtering software. The procedure will indicate a timeframe for a designated school official to respond to the request. The requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) will be considered in evaluation of the request. The district will provide an appeal process for requests that are denied.

Internet Safety Instruction

All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

A. Age appropriate materials will be made available for use across grade levels.

B. Training on online safety issues and materials implementation will be made available for administration, staff and families.


Downloading, copying, duplicating and distributing software, music, sound files, movies, images or other copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is generally prohibited. However, the duplication and distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication and distribution falls within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, USC) and content is cited appropriately.

Ownership of Work

All work completed by employees as part of their employment will be considered property of the district. The District will own any and all rights to such work including any and all derivative works, unless there is a written agreement to the contrary.

All work completed by students as part of the regular instructional program is owned by the student as soon as it is created, unless such work is created while the student is acting as an employee of the school system or unless such work has been paid for under a written agreement with the school system. If under an agreement with the district, the work will be considered the property of the District. Staff members must obtain a student’s permission prior to distributing his/her work to parties outside the school.

Network Security and Privacy

Network Security

Passwords are the first level of security for a user account. System logins and accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account

for authorized district purposes. Students and staff are responsible for all activity on their account and must not share their account password.

The following procedures are designed to safeguard network user accounts:

A. Change passwords according to district policy;

B. Do not use another user’s account;

C. Do not insert passwords into e-mail or other communications;

D. If you write down your user account password, keep it in a secure location;

E. Do not store passwords in a file without encryption;

F. Do not use the “remember password” feature of Internet browsers; and

G. Lock the screen or log off if leaving the computer.

Student Data is Confidential

District staff must maintain the confidentiality of student data in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

No Expectation of Privacy

The district provides the network system, e-mail and Internet access as a tool for education and research in support of the district’s mission. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store without prior notice information about the content and usage of:

A. The network;

B. User files and disk space utilization;

C. User applications and bandwidth utilization;

D. User document files, folders and electronic communications; E. E-mail;

F. Internet access; and

G. Any and all information transmitted or received in connection with network and e-mail use.

No student or staff user should have any expectation of privacy when using the district’s network. The district reserves the right to disclose any electronic messages to law enforcement officials or third parties as appropriate. All documents are subject to the public records disclosure laws of the State of Washington.

Archive and Backup

Backup is made of all district e-mail correspondence for purposes of public disclosure and disaster recovery. Barring power outage or intermittent technical issues, staff and student files are backed up on district servers regularly. Refer to the district retention policy for specific records retention requirements.

Disciplinary Action

All users of the district’s electronic resources are required to comply with the district’s policy and procedures (and agree to abide by the provisions set forth in the district’s user agreement). Violation of any of the conditions of use explained in the (district’s user agreement), Electronic Resources policy or in these procedures could be cause for disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from school and suspension or revocation of network and computer access privileges.


To insure proper planning and continuity of instruction, each teacher shall prepare lesson plans for daily instruction. To facilitate effective instruction and in preparation for possible substitute teachers, lesson plans must be prepared sufficiently in advance of class presentation. The format for the lesson plans will be specified by the building principal, shall be reviewed on a regular basis and must be readily available in the event a substitute teacher is needed.

Legal References: WAC 180-44-010 Responsibilities related to instruction

Adoption Date: 5/23/00 Raymond School District #116


The Raymond Board of Directors believes that a variety of learning options, including online courses and programs, are critical for 21st century learners. The board recognizes that the online learning environment provides students with unique opportunities to become self disciplined learners with life-long learning skills. Further, the board believes that online learning provides tremendous opportunities for students to access curriculum and specialized courses in a flexible learning environment that might not otherwise be available.

Therefore, the board supports a range of online learning opportunities that are equally accessible to all students in the school district. The board directs the superintendent to provide information to parents, students and staff regarding online learning options and the guidelines for participation.

The superintendent or designee will develop procedures to implement this policy. The procedures will include, but not be limited to, a description of student access to online learning courses/grade level coursework, student eligibility criteria, the types of online courses available to students, methods the district will use to support student success, payment of course fees and other costs, granting of course credit, and conditions under which no credit will be awarded.

Cross References: Policy 2022 Electronic Resources Policy 2255 Alternative Learning Experience Programs Policy 2410 Graduation Requirements

Legal References: RCW 28A.150.220 Basic Education – Minimum instructional requirements – Program accessibility – Rules Chapter 28A.225 RCW Compulsory School Attendance and Admission RCW 28A.230.090 High School graduation requirements or equivalencies – Reevaluation of graduation requirements – Review and authorization of proposed changes – Credit for courses taken before attending high school – Postsecondary credit equivalencies Chapter 28A.250 RCW Online Learning RCW 28A.320.035 Contracting out – Board’s powers and duties – Goods and services Chapter 180-51 WAC High School Graduation Requirements WAC 392-121-182 Alternative learning experience requirements WAC 392-121-188 Instruction provided under contract WAC 392-410-310 Equivalency course of study – Credit for correspondence courses, electronically mediated courses, and college courses Chapter 392-502 WAC Online Learning – Approval of multidistrict on line providers

Management Resources: Policy & Legal News, February 2014 Other Updates/Corrections Policy News, December 2009 Online Learning Policy Required

Adoption Date: 5/22/14 Raymond School District #116

2024P – Online Learning


Online courses or “grade level coursework” means a course in which:

• more than half of the content is delivered online;

• more than half of the instruction is delivered online by a teacher from a different location than that of the student; a certificated teacher has the primary responsibility for the student’s instructional interaction. Instructional interaction between the teacher and the student includes, but is not limited to, direct instruction, review of assignments, assessment, testing, progress monitoring, and educational facilitation; and Students have access to the teacher synchronously and/or asynchronously.

Online school program means a school program that offers a sequential set of online courses or grade-level coursework throughout the school year in a manner that could provide a full-time basic education program if so desired by the student. The student may enroll as a part-time or full time student.

Online provider means any provider of an online course or program, including multidistrict online providers, all school district online learning programs, and all regional online learning programs.

The Online Learning Support Team includes the teachers, registrar and any paraprofessionals assigned. They will provide assistance to the student in accessing courses, understanding coursework and maintaining successful progress in the course.

Student Access to Online Courses and Online School Programs

The district may facilitate access to the following types of online learning opportunities:

Online courses:

District-created and taught online courses;

District-taught online courses created by a third-party contracted provider; and

Courses created and taught online by OSPI-approved online providers. Online school programs:

District-created and -taught online school programs;

District-sponsored programs created and taught by OSPI-approved online providers;

District-sponsored programs created by third-party course providers and taught by district teachers; or

Out-of-district online school programs accessed through an interdistrict transfer.

Types of Online Courses Available

The district may facilitate access to the following types of online courses:

Credit recovery courses allowing students to make up failed credits needed for graduation;

Advanced Placement courses;

World language courses;

Courses which may already be offered in the student’s school but are inaccessible to the student due to scheduling or other factors;

Courses not available at the student’s school that meet four-year college entrance requirements;

Elective and Career and Technical Education courses;

Standard-level courses meeting high school graduation requirements; Grade level coursework for K-8; and

A course from a provider that is not approved by OSPI that meets the criteria for district use.

Student Eligibility Criteria

The district may facilitate access to online learning courses and programs for students enrolled in all grades. Students taking an online course or participating in a district-created online school program must adhere to the following criteria:

Have completed any required prerequisites and provide teacher/ counselor recommendations to confirm that he/she possesses the

academic level needed to function effectively in an online learning environment;

Comply with existing district policies for registering/enrolling in a course or district program; and

Students interested in attending an online school program in another district must follow the interdistrict transfer procedures in Policy 3141 prior to entering that program.

Supporting Student Success

The district will provide the following support to students to help ensure a successful online learning experience:

All online students will receive assistance from the local online learning support team;

The registrar will advise students in selecting and registering for online learning options to which the district facilitates access;

The local advisor will meet regularly with online students to ensure they are connecting to the online coursework and the online teacher and are making satisfactory progress in their online coursework;

The district will offer a dedicated class period during the school day in which the student may connect to an online course and to their local advisor; and

The district will offer access to online computers during the school day.


Courses offered to students for which the district claims state education funding, or that are included as part of the regular school day, will be paid for by the school district. Students/families may be responsible for fees as specified by the district fee schedule.

Courses offered to students for which the district claims no state education funding and that are not included as part of the regular school day will be paid for by the student or their families. Students/families may also be responsible for fees as specified by the district fee schedule.

Granting of High School Credit for Online Courses

School districts will award credit and grades for online high school courses successfully completed by a student that meet the school district’s graduation requirements and are provided by an approved online provider. Credit for online courses will be granted in the same manner as other course offerings in the district;

Currently enrolled students should notify the district prior to enrolling in an online course provided outside of the district. The student and/or parent will be informed, in writing, whether or not the course is eligible for academic credit from the district;

For students transferring credit from online courses or programs taken while enrolled outside of the district, credit will be granted according to the district transfer credit policy 2410; and

For eligible courses, if course credit is earned, the course will be recorded on the transcript using the standardized identifier for online courses provided in the Comprehensive Education Data Research System (CEDARS).

Prior to enrollment, students and/ or parents will be informed in writing whether a course is eligible for academic credit.

Information to Students and Parents or Guardians

The district will use a variety of methods to provide information to parents/guardians and students regarding online learning opportunities. Information will be provided through the district Web page, counseling office brochures, newsletters, the student handbook and other appropriate district communication resources. Information provided will include descriptions of online courses or online school programs, enrollment information, potential fees, a description of credit awarded for courses, student eligibility requirements and methods the district will use to support student success.

Criteria for District Use of Non-OSPI Approved Online Courses

The district may offer courses to students from providers not on the OSPI approved list only after ensuring that they meet the criteria for district use of non-approved providers as posted on the OSPI Website.

The district will ensure proper documentation when using non-approved online providers.

Student Responsibilities

Adhere to the district’s code of conduct for academic integrity;

Comply with course/program participation and completion requirements;

Maintain high academic involvement;

Notify the district if participation in an online course/program ceases or changes;

Maintain agreed-upon levels and kinds of communication with the local advisor throughout the term of the online course; and

Participate in an online course/program orientation.

Parent or Guardian Responsibilities

Parents or guardians are responsible for costs/fees as outlined above in the Cost/Fees section. And

Parents or guardians are responsible for seeking appropriate technology – per district recommendations – for student participation in coursework outside of the school day or designated online learning period.

District Responsibilities:

Inform parents/guardians prior to student enrollment in any online course or program;

Inform staff, parents/guardians and students of the online courses and programs that are available to them;

Inform staff, parents/guardians and students of the online course/online school program prerequisites, technology requirements, course outlines, syllabi and possible fees;

Provide online students who remain enrolled in the district and who participate in the online course or program during the school day, with

computing hardware and connectivity required for participation in the online course or online school program;

Inform staff, parents/guardians and students of how to seek and access technology resources and technological requirements beyond the school day;

Provide online students with an online learning support team;

Ensure communication between the student’s local advisor and parent/ guardian;

Ensure online courses are appropriately identified with CEDARS coding; and

The district will inform students and their parent/guardian of rescheduling options or grade impacts in the event a student withdraws from an online course or online school program prior to completion.

Adoption Date: 6/15/17 Raymond School District #116


The board recognizes that federal law makes it illegal to duplicate copyrighted materials without authorization of the holder of the copyright, except for certain exempt purposes. Severe penalties may be imposed for unauthorized copying or using of audio visual or printed materials and computer software, unless the copying or using conforms to the “fair use” doctrine.

Under the “fair use” doctrine, unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials is permissible for such purposes as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. If duplicating or changing a product is to fall within the bounds of fair use, these four standards must be met for any of the foregoing purposes:

A. THE PURPOSE AND CHARACTER OF THE USE. The use must be for such purposes as teaching or scholarship.

B. THE NATURE OF THE COPYRIGHTED WORK. Staff may make single copies of: book chapters for use in research, instruction or preparation for teaching; articles from periodicals or newspapers; short stories, essays or poems; and charts, graphs, diagrams, drawings, cartoons or pictures from books, periodicals, or newspapers in accordance with these guidelines.

C. THE AMOUNT AND SUBSTANTIALITY OF THE PORTION USED. Copying the whole of a work cannot be considered fair use; copying a small portion may be if these guidelines are followed.

D. THE EFFECT OF THE USE UPON THE POTENTIAL MARKET FOR OR VALUE OF THE COPYRIGHTED WORK. If resulting economic loss to the copyright holder can be shown, even making a single copy of certain materials may be an infringement, and making multiple copies presents the danger of greater penalties.

While the district encourages its staff to enrich the learning programs by making proper use of supplementary materials, it is the responsibility of district staff to abide by the district’s copying procedures and obey the requirements of the law. In no circumstances shall it be necessary for district staff to violate copyright requirements in order to perform their duties properly. The district cannot be responsible for any violations of the copyright law by its staff.

Any staff member who is uncertain as to whether reproducing or using copyrighted material complies with the district’s procedures or is permissible under the law should contact the superintendent or the person designated as the copyright compliance officer. The latter will also assist staff in obtaining proper authorization to copy or use protected material when such authorization is required.

The superintendent or designee shall file with the federal Copyright Office, and post the same information on the district’s web site, his or her designation as the district’s agent, in the district’s role as an Internet service provider, to receive notifications that claim that users of the district’s Internet network have infringed copyright.

Cross References: Board Policy 2022 Electronic Information Systems

Legal References: P.L. 94-553 Federal Copyright Law of 1976 (U.S. Code, Title 17) P.L. 105-304 Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998

Adoption Date: 2/26/02 Raymond School District #116


Staff may make copies of copyrighted school district materials that fall within the following guidelines. Where there is reason to believe the material to be copied does not fall within these guidelines, prior permission shall be obtained from the principal. Staff members who fail to follow this procedure may be held personally liable for copyright infringement.

Authorized Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Material in Print

A. Materials on the Internet should be used with caution since they may be copyrighted.

B. Proper attribution (author, title, publisher, place and date of publication) should always be given.

C. Notice should be taken of any alternations to copyrighted works, and such alternations should only be made for specific instructional objectives.

D. Care should be taken in circumventing any technological protection measures. While materials copied pursuant to fair use may be copied after circumventing technological protections against unauthorized copying, technological protection measures to block access to materials may not be circumvented.

In preparing for instruction, a teacher may make or have made a single copy of:

A. A chapter from a book;

B. An article from a newspaper or periodical;

C. A short story, short essay or short poem; or

D. A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or newspaper.

A teacher may make multiple copies not exceeding more than one per pupil, for classroom use or discussion if the copying meets the tests of “brevity, spontaneity and cumulative effect” set by the following guidelines. Each copy must include a notice of copyright.

A. Brevity

1. A complete poem, if less than 250 words and two pages long, may be copied; excerpts from longer poems cannot exceed 250 words;

2. Complete articles, stories or essays of less than 2500 words or excerpts from prose works less than 1000 words or 10% of the work, whichever is less may be copied; in any event, the minimum is 500 words;

3. Each numerical limit may be expanded to permit the completion of an unfinished line of a poem or prose paragraph;

4. One chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture per book or periodical issue may be copied. “Special” works cannot be reproduced in full; this includes children’s books combining poetry, prose or poetic prose. Short special works may be copied up to two published pages containing not more than 10 percent of the work.

B. Spontaneity – Should be at the “instance and inspiration” of the individual teacher when there is not a reasonable length of time to request and receive permission to copy.

C. Cumulative Effect – Teachers are limited to using copied material for only one course in the school in which copies are made. No more than one short poem, article, story or two excerpts from the same author may be copied, and no more than three works can be copied from a collective work or periodical column during one class term. Teachers are limited to nine instances of multiple copying for one course during one class term. Limitations do not apply to current news periodicals, newspapers and current news sections of other periodicals.

Performances by teachers or students of copyrighted dramatic works without authorization from the copyright owner are permitted as part of a teaching activity in a classroom or instructional setting. All other performances require permission from the copyright owner.

The copyright law prohibits using copies to replace or substitute for anthologies, consumable works, compilations or collective works. “Consumable” works include: workbooks, exercises, standardized tests, test booklets and answer sheets. Teachers cannot substitute copies for the purchase of books, publishers’ reprints or periodicals, nor can they repeatedly copy the same item from term-to-term. Copying cannot be directed by a “higher authority”, students cannot be charged more than actual cost of photocopying.

Teachers may use copyrighted material in overhead or opaque projectors for instructional purposes.

Authorized Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Materials in the Library

A library may make a copy or three digital copies of:

A. An unpublished work which is in its collection;

B. A published work in order to replace it because it is damaged, deteriorated, lost or stolen, provided that unused replacement cannot be obtained at a fair price.

C. A work that it being considered for acquisition, although use is strictly limited to that decision. Technological protection measures may be circumvented for purposes of copying materials in order to make an acquisition decision.

A library may provide a single copy of copyrighted material to a student or staff member at no more than the actual cost of photocopying. The copy must be limited to one article of a periodical issue or a small part of other material, unless the library finds that the copyrighted work cannot be obtained elsewhere at a fair price. In the latter circumstance, the entire work may be copied. In any case, the copy shall contain the notice of copyright and the student or staff member shall be notified that the copy is to be used only for private study, scholarship or research. Any other use may subject the person to liability for copyright infringement.

At the request of a teacher, copies may be made for reserve use. The same limits apply as for single or multiple copies designated in “Authorized Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Material in Print.”

Authorized Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Music

A teacher may make a single copy of a song, movement, or short section from a printed musical work that is unavailable except in a larger work for purposes of preparing for instruction.

A teacher may make multiple copies for classroom use of an excerpt of not more than 10% of a printed musical work if it is to be used for academic purposes other than performance, provided that the excerpt does not comprise a part of the whole musical work which would constitute a performable unit such as a complete section, movement, or song. In an emergency, a teacher may make and use replacement copies of printed music for an imminent musical performance when the purchased copies have been lost, destroyed or are otherwise not available.

A teacher may make and retain a single recording of student performances of copyrighted material when it is made for purposes of evaluation or rehearsal.

A teacher may make and retain a single copy of excerpts from recordings of copyrighted musical works for use as aural exercises or examination questions.

A teacher may edit or simplify purchased copies of music provided that the fundamental character of the music is not distorted. Lyrics shall not be altered or added if none exist.

Performance by teachers or students of copyrighted musical works is permitted without the authorization of the copyright owner as part of a teaching activity in a classroom or instructional setting. The purpose shall be instructional rather than for entertainment.

Performances of non-dramatic musical works which are copyrighted are permitted without the authorization of the copyright owner, provided that:

A. The performance is not for a commercial purpose;

B. None of the performers, promoters or organizers are compensated; and

C. Admission fees are used for educational or charitable purposes only.

All other musical performances require permission from the copyright owner.

Off-Air Recording of Copyrighted Programs

Television programs, excluding news programs, transmitted by commercial and non-commercial television stations for reception by the general public without charge may be recorded off-air simultaneously with broadcast transmission (including simultaneous cable retransmission) and retained by a school for a period not to exceed the first forty-five (45) consecutive calendar days after date of recording. Upon conclusion of this retention period, all off-air recordings must be erased or destroyed immediately.

Off-air recording may be used once by individual teachers in the course of instructional activities, and repeated once only when reinforcement is necessary within a building, during the first ten (10) consecutive school

days, excluding scheduled interruptions, in the forty-five (45) calendar day retention period.

Off-air recordings may be made only at the request of and used by individual teachers, and may not be regularly recorded in anticipation of requests. No broadcast program may be recorded off-air more than once at the request of the same teacher, regardless of the number of times the program may be broadcast.

A limited number of copies may be reproduced from each off-air recording to meet the legitimate needs of teachers. Each additional copy shall be subject to all provisions governing the original recording.

After the first ten (10) consecutive school days, off-air recordings may be used up to the end of the forty-five (45)calendar day retention period only for evaluation purposes, i.e., to determine whether or not to include the broadcast program in the teaching curriculum. Permission must be secured from the publisher before the recording can be used for instructional purposes after the ten (10) day period.

Off-air recordings need not be used in their entirety, but the recorded programs may not be altered from their original content. Off-air recordings may not be physically or electronically combined or merged to constitute teaching anthologies or compilations.

All copies of off-air recordings must include the copyright notice on the broadcast program as recorded.

Authorized Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Computer Software

Schools have a valid need for high-quality software at reasonable prices. To assure a fair return to the authors of software programs, the school district shall support the legal and ethical issues involved in copyright laws and any usage agreements that are incorporated into the acquisition of software programs.

To this end, the following guidelines shall be in effect:

A. All copyright laws and publisher license agreements between the vendor and the district shall be observed;

B. Staff members shall take reasonable precautions to prevent copying or the use of unauthorized copies on school equipment;

C. A back-up copy shall be purchased, at least, for use as a replacement when a program is lost or damaged. If the vendor is not able to supply such, the district, in accordance with P.L. 96-517, Section 7(b), shall make a back-up program and attest that the program will be used for replacement purposes only;

D. The principal is authorized to sign a software license agreement on behalf of the school. A copy of said agreement shall be retained by the principal.

E. A computer program may be adapted by adding to the content or changing the language. The adapted program may not be distributed.


A. Fair use does not include posting a student or teacher’s work on the Internet if it includes portions of copyrighted materials.

Permission to copy shall be obtained from the original copyright holder(s) before such projects are placed online.

B. The opening screen of such presentations shall include notice that they were prepared under the fair use exemption of the US copyright law and are restricted from further use.

C. Students may incorporate portions of copyrighted materials in producing educational multimedia projects for a specific course, and may perform, display or retain the projects.

D. Educators may perform or display their own multimedia projects to students in support of curriculum-based instructional activities. These projects may be used:

1. in face-to-face instruction;

2. in demonstration and presentations, including conferences; 3. in assignments to students;

4. for remote instruction if distribution of the signal is limited;

5. over a network that cannot prevent duplication for fifteen days, after fifteen days a copy may be saved on-site only;

6. in their personal portfolios.

Educators may use copyrighted materials in a multimedia project for two years, after that permission must be requested and received.

E. The following limitations restrict the portion of any given work that may be used pursuant of fair use in an educational multimedia project:

1. Motion media: ten percent or three minutes, whichever is less; 2. Text materials: ten percent or 1,000 words, whichever is less;
3. Poetry: an entire poem of fewer than 250 words, but no more than three poems from one author or five poems from an anthology. For poems of greater than 250 words, excerpts of up to 250 words may be used, but no more than three exerts from one poet or five exerts from an anthology.
4. Music, lyrics and music video: Up to ten percent, but no more than thirty seconds. No alterations that change the basic melody or fundamental character of the work.
5. Illustrations, cartoons and photographs: No more than five images by an artist, and no more than ten percent or fifteen images whichever is less from a collective work.
6. Numerical data sets: Up to ten percent or 2,500 field or cell entries, whichever is less.

Copying Limitations

Circumstances will arise when staff are uncertain whether or not copying is prohibited. In those circumstances, the superintendent or designated copy-right compliance officer should be contacted. The following prohibitions have been expressly stated in federal guidelines:

A. Reproduction of copyrighted material shall not be used to create or substitute for anthologies, compilations or collective works.

B. Unless expressly permitted by agreement with the publisher and authorized by district action, there shall be no copying from copyrighted consumable materials such as workbooks, exercises, test booklets, answer sheets and the like.

C. Staff shall not:

1. Use copies to substitute for the purchase of books, periodicals, music recordings, computer software or other copyrighted material except as permitted by district procedure;

2. Copy or use the same item from term to term without the copyright owner’s permission;

3. Copy or use more than nine instances of multiple copying of protected material in any one term;

4. Copy or use more than one short work or two excerpts from works of the same author in any one term; or

5. Copy or use protected material without including a notice of copyright. The following is a satisfactory notice: NOTICE: THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW.

Staff shall not reproduce or use copyrighted material at the direction of someone in higher authority or copy or use such material in emulation of some other teacher’s use of copyrighted material without permission of the copyright owner.

Adoption Date: 10/24/00 Raymond School District #116

2026—Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy


In recognition of the fact that students use technology to play, learn, and communicate while at home and at school, it is important that they learn how to use that technology responsibly. The District is committed to educating every student on how to use technology in ways that augment their learning experience, leading to analysis, evaluation, reflection, and enhanced skills of expression. As the District’s educators guide exploration of the digital landscape, they will encourage students to be critical and creative thinkers. Students, in turn, are expected to actively engage with and express their voices in the digital landscape.


The District is dedicated to promoting and instilling principles of digital citizenship and media literacy in each of its students.

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship includes the norms of appropriate, responsible, and healthy behavior related to current technology use, including digital and media literacy, ethics, etiquette, and security. Digital citizenship includes the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, develop, produce, and interpret media, as well as Internet safety and cyberbullying prevention and response.

Digital citizens recognize and value the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world, and they engage in safe, legal, and ethical behaviors. Digital citizens cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation, and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world. They advocate for themselves and others in their behavior, action, and choices.

Media Literacy

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using a variety of forms of communication. Media literacy includes the ability to understand how and why media messages and images are constructed and for what purposes they are used.

Media literate citizens examine how individuals interpret messages differently based on their skills, beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences. They also consider how values and points of view are included or excluded in various media. Media literate citizens remain continually aware of the ways in which media can influence beliefs and behavior. In addition, media literate citizens are effective communicators, able to demonstrate critical and creative thinking as they utilize appropriate media creation tools. Further, they understand the conventions and characteristics of the tools they have selected.

Media literate citizens are able to adapt to changing technologies and develop the new skills required as they continue to engage in life-long learning. Media literacy empowers individuals to participate as informed and active citizens in a democracy.

C. ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION The District aspires to implement the following practices to promote digital citizenship and media literacy for all students.

Student Instruction

In recognition of the fact that students are consumers and creators of information and ideas, the District promotes cross-curricular integration of digital citizenship and media literacy and leadership instruction at all levels. The District recognizes the importance of students as active participants, role models, and peer mentors in addressing the following topics:

Online safety, responsibility, and security

Students will learn how to be safe and responsible digital citizens, and they will be encouraged to teach others about issues such as cyberbullying, social networking, online predators, and risky communications.

Media literacy

Students will learn how to produce their own media; how to examine the ways in which people experience or interact with media differently; how to identify embedded values and stereotypes; how to analyze words and images critically; and how to evaluate the various sources of information with which they are presented.

Law, fair use, copyright, and intellectual property

Students will learn about the importance of navigating the digital landscape in ways that are legal, including access to and use of copyrighted materials. Students will also learn how to access and create intellectual property legally.

Online identify and personal brand

Students will learn about their “digital footprint” and the persistence of their digital information, including on social media. Students will also learn about the creation and maintenance of their self-image, reputation, and online identity.

Ethics, digital communications, and collaboration

Students will learn about fairness and civil discourse in the digital environment, including the importance of collaborating and ethically interacting with others online.

Professional Development

The District endeavors to support teachers and instructional leaders in developing leadership skills and proficiency in the principles of digital citizenship and media literacy, both as an instructional imperative and as dynamic District policy and practice.

Policy and Practices

The District acknowledges the need for digital and online policies that are dynamic and responsive to diverse community standards and student learning outcomes. The District annually reviews its policies and procedures on electronic resources, Internet safety, digital citizenship, and media literacy. The District authorizes the Superintendent to develop further procedures and guidelines if appropriate.

Communications and Engagement

The District acknowledges that parents and community stakeholders are partners in developing students as digital citizens and life-long learners. The District encourages parents’ active engagement in the process of educating students to become media-literate digital citizens.

Cross References:

4217 – Effective Communication 5281 – Disciplinary Action and Discharge 4400 – Election Activities 4040 – Public Access to District Records 3241 – Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action 3231 – Student Records 3207 – Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying 2025 – Copyright Compliance 2020 – Course Design, Selection and Adoption of Instructional Materials

Legal References: RCW 28A.650.010 Definitions RCW 28A.650.045 Digital citizenship, internet safety, and media literacy

Management Resources: 2017 – December Policy Issue

Adoption Date: 1/25/18 Raymond School District #116


The Raymond Board of Directors acknowledges its responsibility to permit students and/or adults with disabilities to be accompanied by a “service animal” as required by federal laws and Washington State’s law against discrimination. This policy governs the presence of service animals in the schools, on school property, including school buses and at school activities.

A “service animal” means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability.

Examples of work or tasks include, but are not limited to the following:

• Assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks,

• Alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds,

• Providing nonviolent protection or rescue work,

• Pulling a wheelchair,

• Assisting an individual during a seizure,

• Alerting an individual to the presence of allergens,

• Retrieving items, such as medicine or the telephone, • Providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities, and

• Helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors The crime deterrent effects of an animal’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks.

It is a civil infraction to misrepresent an animal as a service animal. A student’s parent/guardian who believes their student needs to bring a service animal to school or an employee who wishes to bring a service animal to school, must submit a written request to the building principal. The building principal, in consultation with the Section 504 coordinator or director of special services, as appropriate, will determine whether to permit the service animal in school. The principal shall not ask about the nature or extent of a person’s disability, but may make two inquires to determine whether an animal qualifies as a service animal. The principal may ask if the animal is required because of a disability and what work or task the animal has been trained to perform. The principal shall not require documentation, such as proof that the animal has been certified, trained, or licensed as a service animal, or require that the service animal demonstrate its task. The principal may not make these inquiries about a service animal when it is readily apparent that an animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.

The superintendent will develop procedures to implement the policy.

Cross Reference: 5010 – Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action 3210 – Nondiscrimination 2162 – Education of Students With Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 2161 – Special Education and Related Services for Eligible Students 2029 – Animals as Part of the Instructional Program

Legal References: American Disabilities Act (ADA), Revised Title II Regulations, 35 Service animals Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 RCW 28A.642 Discrimination Prohibition RCW 49.60.040 Definitions WAC 162-26 Public accommodations, disability discrimination WAC 392-145-021(3) General operating requirements WAC 392-172A-01035 Child with a disability or student eligible for special education WAC 392-172A-01155 (3) Related services WAC 392-190 Equal education opportunity – Unlawful discrimination prohibited